Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sunny of August (2013)

Here is the collection of photos, SelCas, and updates for the month of August coming from your aegyo queen Sunny!

사랑하는티퐈니야~생일축하행♥ Happy birthday my love!! It's party time!!!!☆"
"Family photo!! Mommy Fany, son Prince, and.. Aunt Sunny...
keke My dearest Tiffany~ Happy birthday♥ Happy birthday my love!!
It's party time!!!!☆"

"진격의써니ㅋㅋ수줍은꿔얼~내뽀뽀를피하지뫄♥ Attack on tiffan!!kkkk..
You can't avoid me!!! Shy girl!!!!♡.♡"
"Attack on Sunny keke Shy gurrrl~ (Tiffany's line in Gee) Don't avoid my kiss
Attack on tiffan!!kkkk.. You can't avoid me!!! Shy girl!!!!♡.♡ "

came on a date with Yoongie~ Oppas, fighting!! Shinhwa san!!!) 2013 "SHINHWA"
grand finale "THE CLASSIC" in seoul!! W/ yoong♥ It's show time~>_<☆"
 On Twitter...
"Tomorrow is Girls' Generation's 6th anniversary huh.. Today, I watched Shinhwa sunbaenims' 15th anniversary concert.. I really enjoyed it!! Us too.. We'll work hard^^ Thank you for always staying by our side!! SONE too. The staff too.. And also our members Congratulations one day in advance!! Just like right now, in the future too, forever~ Girls' Generation!!*^^*"

On IG: "윤아랑데이트한날마지막코스!!!이제야올리넹ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
무진쟝재미쪘쪄>_<히융히융♥ Date w YOONG!! My sis "
"the last course of the day i had a date with yoona!!!
i'm just getting around to posting it nowㅋㅋㅋㅋ it was really fun
>_< he-yoong;he-yoong♥ Date w YOONG!! My sis "

On Twitter: "you all are doing well, right?!… i miss you!!!!!!ㅠㅠ
Have a great day? Huh?? I miss you guys sooooo much.. even more than you think."

Twitter Profile Banner

Twitter Profile Pic
"한국와서젤먼저한건맛있는거먹기다옹! 냠냠!!
The first thing I did when I got back to Korea was eat yummy food..
YUMYUM!! W/ tae, tiff n yoong♥"

귀"아야"했어요..ㅠㅠ으걍!!!! Owwie my ear!!!!!

"받아랏!안이뻐도이쁘다고해!!! I know you love me..spill it!!!! ‪#‎데헷‬"

"내싸랑제식이랑내싸랑스폰지밥이랑♥ With my
bubu bobo baba lala lulu~ jess!!
& ‪#‎spongebob‬ ‪#‎vegas‬ ‪#‎mwa‬ ♡"
"with my love, jessic, and my love, spongebob♥
With my bubu bobo baba lala lulu~ jess!!
& #spongebob #vegas #mwa ♡"

with Verified Account Logo
Sunny Tweets
"Sunnyday515: 타국에서 맞이한 광복절입니다.. 대한민국 국민인 것이 자랑스럽습니다. 오늘의 의미를 더 깊이 새기고 지금의 우리나라를 위해 희생하신 모든 분들께 더 감사하겠습니다. 광복 68주년. 사랑합니다. 대한민국."
[Sunny Tweet] "Sunnyday515: is independence day in other countries for. .. I am proud to be a Korean National. Today, carving deeper meaning now you've sacrificed for our country all the more appreciated. The 68-year-anniversary of the liberation. Love. Korea. "

I knew you guys liked it! Here's another thing you love #sweettime in #LA #먹방"

"내가했오!내손톱!! I did it~ #self #nails #purple #얼굴보지마 #손봐손"
"I did it! my nails!! I did it~ #self #nails #purple
#DontLookAtMyFace #HandLookAtMyHand"
#꽃보다할배 #LGclassicTV #이뿌지?!
Omg! Don't forget to watch Grandpa's Over Flower today! Its airing at 8:40pm "

Follow her in Twitter: @SunnyDay515 
Follow her at: svnnynight@instagram

See her Instagram and Twitter updates of July (2013) 

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