Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Sunny of June (2015)

Here is the collection of photos, SelCas, and updates for the month of June coming from your aegyo queen Sunny!

"잘자 good night"

"Sweet time with @mcohendesigns"

"And sweet things with @bada0228"

"Healing in the sun☀"
"사랑합니다 보아옹니 ‪#‎써니의FM데이트‬ 에 강림해주신 ‪#‎보아‬
여신님❤@mbcfmdate @boakwon"

"고맙고맙 thanks!! ‪#‎해독쥬스‬"

"ABC 뉴스에 소녀시대도 나왔어요^^ 보셨어요? GG on
ABC news!!!!!! Wow amazing"

"난 앞통수 소금인 뒷통수 ‪#‎소금‬"
"Front side for me, back side for Sogeum ‪#‎Sogeum‬"

"외출해서도 경치를 즐기는 여유 what a beautiful view
  ‪#‎소금‬ ‪#‎view‬ ‪#‎너무아름다운다운다운다운뷰‬"
"Post: On an outing, relaxing and enjoyomg the view.
What a beautiful view. ‪#‎Sogeum‬ #view

"‪#‎best_friends_day‬ ‪#‎best_friends_forever‬"

"벌써 보고싶어 소금아....‪#‎소금‬ miss you already T.T"

"태국 짱짱져아영❤ 근데 ‪#‎써니의FM데이트‬ 함께 못해서
아쉬워용~ㅠㅠ 루나찡이 나 대신 잘 해주고 있죠?!
I love Thailand!!!!!!! What's up!!!!!!!!!!"

"놀란 표정 ‪#‎소금‬ 보고싶어라... Miss you so much....."

"다시 만난 #소금 !!!"

"‪#‎냉장고를부탁해‬ 좋은 쉐프님들과 좋은 음식과 좋은 시간!!!
다음주를 기대하세요❤다음주은 ‪#‎써니‬ 아니고 ‪#‎순규‬ ㅋㅋㅋ"

"‪#‎소금‬님 결국 감금. ‪#‎써니의FM데이트‬"
Trans: Sogeum, in the end, gets imprisoned.


"못..못 움직이겠어 2 ‪#‎소금‬"
Trans: Can't...can't move ‪#‎sogeum‬

"‪#‎Richard‬ ‪#‎리차드용재오닐‬ ‪#‎용재오닐‬ ‪#‎비올라‬
‪#‎viola‬ ‪#‎score‬ 선뜻 악보를 보여준 미소천사!!!!"

"귀호강 제대로 시켜준 참 착하고 밝은 ‪#‎리차드‬ ‪#‎용재오닐‬
His ‪#‎viola‬ totally captivated my heart. The performance was
very impressive and inspired me. Thank you for inviting me ‪#‎Richard‬❤"

"그리고 오늘의 ‪#‎써니‬ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

150620 Sunny with Violist Richard Yongjae O'Neill
at 2015 Ditto Festival Backstage,
by clubbalcony

"‪#‎Repost‬ @wonillee with @repostapp. ・・・ 이거슨!!!!!!!
‪#‎냉장고‬!!!!! ‪#‎써니‬ 아니구 ‪#‎순규‬!!! ㅎㅎ 오늘도
!!ㅋㅋ ‪#‎girlsgeneration‬ ‪#‎이원일‬ ‪#‎소녀시대‬
냉장고라지만 나 너무 좋아하는거 티난다 ㅋㅋㅋ"

This is!!! GG's fridge!! No Sunny, but Sun Kyu! Today's please
look after my fridge kk even if it's just a fridge
you can tell he really likes it hahaha

"‪#‎이원일‬쉐프님 내 폰으로 찍은 사진이 없어!!!!! 그래서 퍼옴
ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 울 용맹한 곰돌이 푸우 쉐프님 앞으로도 승승장구하시길
 ‪#‎디어브레드‬ ‪#‎냉장고를부탁해‬ ‪#‎순규‬ ‪#‎써니‬"

Trans: Won Il Lee chef! I don't have any photos with you
on my phone!!! So I got it from you T.T
Winnie the Pooh Chef, I hope you thrive smile emoticon

"‪#‎Repost‬ @misho0327 with @repostapp. ・・・
I was Surprised that she new so many things about me😄"

"‪#‎Repost‬ @fuxtom with @repostapp. ・・・써니 정말 발랄하고 귀엽다 ^^"
Trans: Sunny is so cute and lively ^^

"‪#‎샘킴‬쉐프님 평생 못잊을 오겹살이었어요. 정말 환상의 요리 감사
드려요.  ‪#‎보나세라‬ ‪#‎냉장고를부탁해‬ ‪#‎순규‬ ‪#‎써니‬"

Trans: Sam Kim chef, it was the pork belly I will never forget.
Thank you for your great food!

"‪#‎최현석‬ 쉐프님 최고의 크림소스 만두!!!! 계속 맴돈다능ㅠㅠ
‪#‎엘본더테이블‬ ‪#‎냉장고를부탁해‬ ‪#‎순규‬ ‪#‎써니‬"

Trans: Hyeon Seok Choi chef's cream sauce dumplings
were the best!! I cannot forget them T.T

"미소천사 ‪#‎이연복‬ 쉐프님 존경합니다..꼭 가게에 들리도록 하겠습니다!!
  ‪#‎목란‬ ‪#‎냉장고를부탁해‬ ‪#‎순규‬ ‪#‎써니‬"

Trans: Lee Yeon Bok Chef, your smile is like an angel's.
I will for sure visit to your restaurant!

"‪#‎박준우‬ 쉐프님! 먹튀 죄송해요...근데 정말 맛이 풍미가 있었어요...
다만 제 입맛이 싼거죠 뭐...부디 절 탓하시옵소서ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
‪#‎냉장고를부탁해‬ ‪#‎순규‬ ‪#‎써니‬"

Trans: Joon Woo Park chef! Sorry I just ate and was really tasty...
it's just my taste is not as high standard...please just blame me T_T

"‪#‎김풍‬쉐프님 다음주에 공개되는거죠?! 도저히 못
기다리겠어요!!!!!! 기대하셔도 됩니다 대박요리!!!
  ‪#‎찌질의역사‬ ‪#‎냉장고를부탁해‬ ‪#‎순규‬ ‪#‎써니‬"

Trans: Fung Kim chef's food will be aired next week, right?
I cannot wait! It was a daebak food!!!!

"‪#‎맹기용‬쉐프님 생맥주 한잔과 잘 어울릴것만 같은 제
스타일의 요리를 만들어주셔서 감사해요!
‪#‎냉장고를부탁해‬ ‪#‎순규‬ ‪#‎써니‬"

Trans: Maeng Ki Yong Chef, thank you for making food that will go
 well with a glass of beer smile emoticon totally my style

"‪#‎미카엘‬ 쉐프님 담에 꼭 놀러갈께요!! 그땐 절 위한 요리 고고씽!!!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ‪#‎젤렌‬‪#‎냉장고를부탁해‬ ‪#‎순규‬ ‪#‎써니‬"

Trans: Mikhal chef, I will visit you next time! Please make food for me!! kkkk

"아침부터 ‪#‎냥불출‬ ‪#‎소금‬ good morning world~ I have something to show
you... To be continued... 곧 있음 깜짝 놀랄 사진이 올라올꺼래 (속닥속닥)"

Trans: My love for my cat starts early morning...
(whisper) there's gonna be a surprise photo soon

"Teaser 1"

"Teaser 2 with ‪#‎nail‬ ‪#‎tam2na‬"

"일찍 일어나는 새는 먹이를 먼저 먹고 일찍 일어나는
당신은 빨간 순규를 먼저 볼 수가 있다. Good night or good morning...
Whatever! ‪#‎써니‬ ‪#‎redhair‬"

Trans: Early bird will get the worm and early you will see red Sunny first.

"긴급공지!! 오늘 가든 스튜디오 취소됐어용~ 대신 보이는
 라디오는 하니까 화면으로 만나요!!! ‪#‎써니의FM데이트‬
No "garden studio" today~ So sorry
But!! You guys can see me on "MINI"!!!!!! Yay~"

"이제 여기서 놀까?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

"자! 오늘의 트위터놀이 끝!! "

"자! 오늘의 트위터놀이 끝!! "


"드디어 ‪#‎소녀시대‬ ‪#‎컴백‬ 와우!!!! ‪#‎girlsgeneration‬ ‪#‎snsd‬ ‪#‎party‬ ‪#‎comeback‬"

Follow her in Twitter: @SunnyDay515
Follow her at: svnnynight@instagram
See her Instagram and Twitter updates of May (2015)

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