Thursday, December 04, 2014

Sooyoung of December (2014)

Here is the collection of photos, SelCas, and updates in the month of December coming from the ShikShin, SooYoung.

"#박소현의러브게임 #셩디줴이 넘즐거운시간 고맙습니다^-^"

"유리야생일쭈까햄 내새끼오구오구 #1205 #권뉴리 #곤유리
#쫌만늦게태어나씀90년생 #아쉽다유리야 #나는90냔생
#그럼에도너랑칭구 #이젠언니라고부를래"
"yuri, happy birthday. my baby, oh-gu oh-gu (like sounds you'd make
at a baby) #1205 #kwonnyuri #gonyuri #90erIfSheWasBornALittleLater
#ItsAShameYuri #ImA90er #YetImStillFriendsWithYou

"寒くて鼻だけ赤くなったよ(笑) みんな風邪に気をつけてネ(・Д・)ノ 9日
に会おうよ#tokyodome #추워서코가빨개 #산타할배한테연락오겠네"


"#pinkocean 이 눈에 아른거려서 眠れない。ステキな思い出ありがとうね。
이무대의 진정한주인공은 그대들입니다 #tokyodome"
Trans: Because pinkocean keeps lingering in my eyes.
This stage's really all for you 

"완성soooo cuteeee #tangled #rapunzel #pascalisupstairs 손꾸락아포..."

"Rapunzel LEGO 놀이#flynrider #rapunzel"

"셀카봉타임^_^! 아이스버켓챌린지덕분에 너무나 행복한 2014년을
보냈다는 승일오라버니! 도와주신분들께 감사의말씀을 전한답니다
  #승일희망재단 #박승일 #icebucketchallenge"

"춥다 단디입어요 감기조심"

"미리메리크리스마스^^ 오늘 받은 컵케잌.ㅋ 디자인까지꼼꼼히준비했다는
한 소원의깜찍한마음씨 고마워라^^ 아까워서어떻게먹어~!!
trans: Early Merry Christmas^^ Cupcakes I received today, heh.
Thankful to one Sones' adorable heart, preparing each design with detail^^
 How am I supposed to eat this~!! (As in, it's too pretty to eat.)
cr trans: sonexstella

언젠가 머리빗는나를보먄서 탱구가이런말을했지.."수..수영아.너멋있다.."
 부럽다도아니고 진짜많다도아니고 멋있다라니..뜬금없는사랑고백에
설레어쪙 내숱좀가져가@taeyeon_ss"
[TRANS by Stella Lee] t's not a hairpiece, it's my real hair. My head is heavy.
When I dry my hair, it falls out. Once I was brushing my hair and Taengoo
said to me..
"Soo... Sooyoung. You look cool." She didn't say she was envious or
that I had so much hair... but with her undeniable confession of love,
she moved my heart. Take some of my hair

"너넨왜이러니 너네도데려가? "

"할아버지 할머니 부모님께 효도합시다...ㅠㅠ 최고!!!완전감동..
ㅠㅠ #국제시장#꼭보세요두번봐요세번봐요"

"소녀시대 & fx 컵케잌 so yummy #smtown #코엑스아티움"

"수요일엔한밤!! #SAF #한밤부스 마니마니놀러오세요^_^!!"

"이노래 음원만으로도 행복했는데.두분.
좀 짱이네요.. #성시경 #에일리#babyitscoldoutside"

"Merry christmas from ‪#‎suri‬"

"2년6개월전에도, 지금도, 제게는 너무나 과분한 안방마님이라는
자리를.. 맡겨주셔서 너무나 감사했습니다. 소중한추억 안고
이제는 정말 안방에서^^ 한밤을 응원할게요..! 막방한다고하니
너무나 많은 분들이 응원와주셨는데 덕분에 따듯한 퇴근길 되었어요
sone, thank you for coming ‪#‎한밤의tv연예‬ ‪#‎mc셩‬ ‪#‎수요일엔한밤‬"

"There are only 3 days left to pre-order the dvd set for "My Spring Day!"
 If the pre-order does not exceed 1000 orders, they will not produce the
dvd at all. For those of you who want to cherish the dvd forever
please hurry^^ more details at @bomdongdvd"

"Christmas gifts from ‪#‎doubleM‬ ‪#‎vanessabruno‬‪#‎freepeople‬‪#‎CMFR‬
‪#‎robertocavalli‬ ‪#‎NARS‬ ‪#‎SONE‬ ‪#‎thankyousomuch‬‪#‎happyholidaystoyou‬"

"@KBS가요대축제 ‪#‎소녀시대‬ ‪#‎MRMR‬ ‪#‎이따봐요‬"

"아 어깨통통춤추며 나까지행복해지네. 대선배님들과 어깨를
나란히 한 우리서현이 자랑스럽다 나도 방청갈껄!!!
다음주도 기대기대!! ‪#‎토토가‬ ‪#‎무한도전‬ ‪#‎SES‬"

엘베로공격하는건아니지 그것도 ‪#‎퇴근길‬ 에"

"‪#‎계절학기‬ ‪#‎다음엔일코할수있게만들어주세요‬ ‪#‎앞면에뙇‬"

"써니예쁘다 써니야 추카해^^ 내년부터는 언니라고불러도될까#써니
의fm데이트 ‪#‎써니‬ @svnnynight"
"Sunny is pretty. Sunny-yah, congrats^^ Can I start addressing you as
unnie next year onwards?#SunnysFMdate ‪#‎Sunny‬ @/svnnynight"
Trans kymmie

"‪#‎mbc연기대상‬ 꿈같은시간 감사합니다^_^ 넘예뻤던골
드드레스 @pd2da 고마워요 ‪#‎서수경‬ ‪#‎노비아‬"

Follow her in Weibo at: @forever_young24
Follow her in Instagram:
See her posts in November (2014)

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