Monday, December 02, 2013

Taeyeon of December (2013)

Here is the collection of photos, SelCas, and updates for the month of December from the kid leader Taeyeon!

"빨리와라 #2014"
"Coming fast #2014"
"여러분을 위한 소원노트💕 올 한해를 돌아보며
이런저런 이야기들을 적어보았어요 소시의 잼있는
이야기들 많이 담겨있답니다 그 중
베이킹하는 파니와 나🍰 #SoneNote"

"야우리 사진좀찍자ㅋㅋㅋㅋ남아있는게 이거밖에없다
생일축하해갓25살애기야 @yulyulk"
"Yeah, let's have some shot togetherㅋㅋㅋㅋAnd this a remain shot.
Congratulations baby who stepped into 25 years old @yulyulk"
"KBS월화드라마 <총리와 나> 12월 9일 밤10시 첫방송합니다요
우리 임배우 화이탱 기대된다! #총리와나 #임윤아 #남다정 #YoonA"
"KBS Monday Tuesday drama <Prime Minister & I> airing on 9th December at
10PM Hwaiting our Im-actress I am anticipating on this!
#PrimeMinisterAndI #ImYoona #NamDajung #Yoona"
"‼️최고의 크리스마스선물 #ggJapan3Album #LOVEandPEACE"
"‼️the best Christmas gift #ggJapan3Album #LOVEandPEACE"

"드디어공개됐어요💕 @svnnynight 써니야 한국에서
내방에잇는 헤드폰좀 던져주겟니 이어폰 감칠맛나서 못듣겟다
#Lips야사랑해 #ggjapan3album"
"Finally it be revealed @svnnynight Sunny could you give me headphones
that located in my room at Korea. It can be a bit uninspired listening through my earphones,
so I won't listen to it anymore #LipsILoveYou #ggjapan3album"
"Morning 크리스마스공연이 얼마남지 않았어요! 즐거운날이될거야"
"Morning. There isn't a lot of time left until the Christmas concert! it's going to be a fun day"

"2014년의 시작은 Ceci와 함께 제가 1월달의 얼굴이 되었어요 저의 첫
단독화보도 공개되니까요 모두 새해맞이는 신선하고 상큼한 Ceci와
함께 태국.중국.한국 이렇게 세 곳에서 동시에 만나보실수있대요훕 #ceci #내얼굴"
"starting 2014 with Ceci. i became the face for january. my first solo photoshoot is
going to be revealed, so everyone meet the new year with the new and refreshing Ceci.
Thailand.China.Korea they say you can see it through all three, simultaneously.
hoob #ceci #myface"



" 날찾아봐"
" Go and find me"

"안녕Kitty 머리가 좀 크지만 목소리가 귀여웠다 #usj"
"Hello Kitty Her head is a big large but her voice is adorable #usj"

"쿠키몬스탱 #usj"
"Cookie Mons-taeng #usj"

"동화같은 크리스마스 신나는 크리스마스 둘다 좋아하시는거 같아서
둘다 넣었어요 D-7 사진은주웟음!"
"So fairy tale which looks similar to Christmas An exciting Christmas,
seems like you guys favor for both, so I decided to upload them all
D-7 I finally found the photo!"


"Soon #naturerepublic"

Shine bright like a Diamond #탱구네일"
"Shine bright like a Diamond #TaengooNail

"어제 너무 행복했지 오랜만에 한국에서의 공연이였죠 여러분의사랑
듬뿍받아서 힘껏 노래할수있었어요 저에겐 최고의
크리스마스선물이 될거같아요 와주신분들 정말 고마워요
#smweek #tysone"
"I was very delight last night It was the first Korea concert for a while,
I had a chance to sing with all my might from being filled with everyone's loves.
I think it was the best Christmas gift for me, for everyone who came along,
thank you so much #smweek #tysone"

Merry Christmas

"오랜만에 진져의 친누나를 만났어요왼쪽누나,오른쪽진져!
둘이 너무 닮아서 귀여웠어 갸히히 #ginger"
"Met Ginger's older sister after a whileNext to the left is his sister and
on the right is Ginger! Both look so similar, so adorable kya hi hi #ginger"

"You are such a wretch, you became way prettier than the last time
I saw you..."

"아히- 추워라 이렇게추운날씨에도 우리보러와줘서고마워ㅜ
소원짱짱맨짱짱걸다들 얼굴보니까 너무
좋다 이런 핫팩같은사람들 #tysone"
"Ahi- So chilly. Thank you for coming with us in this cold weatherㅜ
Sowon is a group of awesome boys and girls.
It's great to see your faces, your faces like a blanket keeps warm #tysone"

#소녀시대 #TTS #tysone
"루한이타오그리고내파트너세훈이잘생겼다멋지다 #exo #backstage"
"Luhan, Tao and my co-dancers - SehunHandsome and cool as well
#exo #backstage"
연예대상다녀왔어요! 우리수영이 축하해 지효언니도요
" I went to the entertainment awards! our sooyoung,
congratulations. jihyo unnie, too"

Follow her at: Taeyeon_SS@Instagram

See her Instagram posts in November (2013)

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