Sunday, April 06, 2014

SeoHyun of April (2014)

Here is the collection of photos, SelCas, and updates for the month of April from our dear maknae, SeoHyun! 

"열심히 투어 준비중~~아자아자화이팅!!♥"
"Working hard to prepare for the tour~~Aja aja hwaiting!!♥"

"봄맞이 미용한 두부예요♥-♥"
"For upcoming Spring Tofu went to spa♥-♥""

Translation: totoropieater @TheSoneSource

좋은아침~~^^많이 웃고 좋은 하루 보내요♥
Good morning~ I hope you have a great day full of laughter:D"

Seo's new profile pic

"눈물이 마를정도로 흘린 눈물은..
이미 갈기갈기 찢어진 마음은 상상하지 못할정도의
고통일텐데..이제 더는 상처받을 일이 생기지 않길..
기적이 일어나길..정말 간절하게 기도합니다..
이번 일로 희생하신 모든 분들..부디 좋은 곳으로
Tears that are dried up because so many were shed ...the already
hurt heart cannot possibly imagine this pain...please let
there be no more to hurt them...I pray for a miracle to happen...
I hope that the victims of this incident will go to a better place...
my condolences..."

Credit: hyoyoonkatekim @ thesonesource

Follow her in Twitter @Sjhsjh062891 

See her Twitter posts in March (2014)

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