Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Seohyun and Professors Interview at Dongguk University Scholarship Event

[Translation] News: http://ift.tt/HWDbs5 

Seohyun: Fellow students studying at Dongguk University have amazing dreams and full of passion in learning. However, there are some families with tough financial condition. This time is when graduation is near, I felt that it would be great if I can contribute my little role by helping them and make a donation to the school.

Head: During school time, Seohyun had good friends relationship among with her friends. Learning process was very smooth for her as well. Also, she often ate with her friends. By getting along with different friends, all have big dreams. However, frequently, there are students facing financial difficulties and force them to stop school. Actually, during her 2nd year, Seohyun had already start to have ideas on donating scholarship. But due the fact that she was still in her 2nd year and was afraid to take this actiong because it will bring more burden to her classmates, she then decided to donate in her 4th year before her graduation.

Head: Seohyun didn't want too much attention in this and really hoped to do this in a manner. However, in my perspective, the fact that this is a good cause, and she made a good example for her juniors and classmates, that's why we decided to announce it publicity. Seohyun felt a bit burden by this, but we still continued to open this ceremony.

Reporter: Now, you nearly complete all of your courses, beside those that you interested in, which course is your favorite one?

Seohyun: I find that Japanese language course is the most interesting subject. There is also another Classical Seminar, the course really allowed me to understand what didn't able to understand previously.

A professor in acting: "Self & Meditation", this course wasn't the interesting one right?

Seohyun (laughed): "Self & Mediation" was very interesting too actually!

Source: http://youtu.be/JoC73MxSw9w
Image source: 소언
Translation: totoropie @TheSoneSource

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