Friday, March 22, 2013

Tiffany's Messages (2013 Compilation)

Tiffany, with her eye smile charm, left man messages for the fans and here are some of those compiled for the year of 2013.

Good evening! It's Tiffany
Yesterday and the day before's concert in Saitama has been really fun >w<
The pink lightsticks were really pretty ♥ It also left a very deep
impression on me when everyone danced to the moves together with us.
Let's introduce the comments that were chosen!

Hello SONEplus, this is Tiffany. A peace sign before going on stage!
I'm very happy I was able to eat a lot of my favorite hitsumabushi in Nagoya!
I'm sad there are only two stops left for this tour.. (><)
Let's also have fun together next week. ♥

[Trans] Let's go on for life♥
Happy 6th Soshi+SONE. Love you xo
-tiffany august 5th 2013

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